community is by supporting it.
contributes to positive
experiences, goal attainment
and successful outcomes.
Care for the soul.
Respite Programs
Phone: 403.589.6526
The community-based direction of the Respite Care Connection program:
- Focuses on small group outings for children and youth who often have difficulty in community settings.
- Offers a variety of activities that align with a child’s interests and abilities.
- Recognizes the developmental needs of individuals within various age groups and develops age specific programming.
RCC specializes in strengthening children’s self-esteem, skill development and socialization skills through a fun and safe environment with a ratio of one staff to three children/youth.
RCC is based on the following five elements:
- Social connection
- New experiences
- Lifeskills
- Personal challenges
- Learning opportunities
All Enviros staff are trained in safety, risk management, behaviour management techniques and Standard First Aid/CPR.
| 6-12 year old
Weekend Warriors Respite Care Connection
(Saturdays & Sundays Sept-June)
Children have the opportunity to participate in
activities such as kids theatre, art projects, trampoline parks, bowling, swimming, clubhouse parties, and much more around the city. Children are informally learning skills to help them in a group setting such as friendship skills, sharing, patience, and appreciation.
| 13-17 year olds
ConneXions Respite Care Connection
(Saturdays & Sundays, Sept-June)
Youth have the opportunity to take more of a lead in
activity planning. We also work on skill development
such as cooking, horticulture, mentorship and
volunteering while still participating in super fun
| Open to all
Summer Day Camp and Respite
(Weekdays during the summer months.)
Children and youth can come for the week or a
day when needed. They have the opportunity to
participate in many outdoor activities such as
swimming, geocaching, biking, nature based games
and exploration and field trips out of the city such as
Drumheller, Banff and Sylvan Lake.
Connecting The Dots Respite Care Connection
- Weekdays (Tue-Thu) after school until 7:30pm
- Saturdays and Sundays – 12:00pm-4:00pm
- PD Days, Teacher Conventions, Spring Break & More
Respite Care Connection (RCC) Connecting The Dots is a specialized after school and weekend program for children and youth who would benefit from time with their peers in a small group of 6-9 youth. This could be families with limited financial means, newcomers who may not be aware of recreation resources, and youth with disabilities who are not yet connected to disability funding.