A Year of Second Chances – Enviros Neurodevelopment Assessment and Diagnostic Centre

A Year of Second Chances – Enviros Neurodevelopment Assessment and Diagnostic Centre

2020-21 marked the first full year of operation of the Enviros Neurodevelopmental Assessment & Diagnostic Centre (NDC). Opened in winter of 2020, the addition of Enviros NDC makes Enviros the only organization in Calgary that provides fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) services from assessment and diagnosis through to ongoing support. Clients have told us that by being able to immediately connect with support through our FASD Evolution and FASD Intervention programs after their FASD assessment, they’ve been better able to move forward and take advantage

The Numbers

The People

After having two grandchildren under her care assessed, a grandmother expressed relief at having a better understanding of their strengths and challenges, as well as of available resources. She shared that her adult daughter, who was prenatally exposed to alcohol, had experienced ongoing challenges. As a result, the daughter was assessed and also received an FASD diagnosis. Both grandmother and daughter expressed how grateful they were for the assessments and knowledge of resources that they could now access. The Enviros NDC physician went on to support the daughter post-assessment by completing the Form B AISH applications and the Disability Tax Credit form.

The Funders

Core funding for Enviros NDC is provided by the Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network (CFAN). Assessments are also available on a fee-for- service basis.